Elliptical Steps & Miles
Older Elliptical trainers don't measure distance in miles, they use revolutions or strides. Use this utility to easily convert Elliptical revolutions/strides to Steps and Miles.
Tap to copy the Steps or Miles, and paste to Google Fit or your favorite Fitness app.
Open source and inspired by this article.

Prevents malicious websites from using the recently discovered tel: URL attack and potentially remotely wipe your device.
Please visit this test page on your device. If it causes your device's dialer application to display *#06# then you are NOT vulnerable and there is no need to install NoUSSD.
Please refer to this this article for more information.
The application will intercept all USSD codes and give you the choice to dial them or not. Regular phone numbers will be sent automatically to your favorite dialer.

Available directly under the share menu of the web browser, Emaily automatically shortens the current web page link, and sends it to your favorite email application.
No copy/paste required.
Long URLs are squeezed into fewer characters using the bit.ly or goo.gl services.
See also: How to Use Emaily

A simple (and quick) front-end for Google SMS.
As of May 2013, Google has discontinued its SMS service.
With support for Search, Web Snippets, Local Search, Local Movies, Local Weather, Airlines, Airports, Area Codes, Calculator, Currency Conversion, Directions, Flights, Glossary, METAR, Maps, Movies, Products, Q&A, Sports, Stocks, Time, Translation, Weather and Zip Codes queries.
Based on GooglME.

A simple tip calculator.
Never be left wondering how much you should tip your server at a restaurant. Taxes are always excluded from tip calculation. The total is nicely rounded automatically. You can even go dutch and split the tab.
Based on TipME.

A phonetic speller.
S as in Sam, P as in Paul, E as in Edward, L as in Lincoln... or if you prefer you can use the NATO alphabet, Alpha, Bravo, etc.
Based on SpellME.